Direction: Fred C. Newmeyer and Sam Taylor
Genre: Comedy
Synopsis: Harold Lloyd’s masterpiece. The scene of the brilliant comedian climbing a building is one of the greatest moments in silent films, and its climax -Harold hanging from the clock hands- is still one of the greatest scenes in the history of the seventh art.
Esther Ropón
The pianist, teacher, cultural manager and researcher from Tenerife, Esther Ropón, trained at the Conservatories of Music in Tenerife and Barcelona, and took postgraduate courses in Berlin and Switzerland.
In 2002, she obtained two higher degrees, one in Piano and the other in Solfeggio, Music Theory, Transposition and Accompaniment.
As a concert pianist, Esther Ropón has given recitals – both individually and as part of chamber ensembles – in Spain (Canary Islands, Catalonia, Madrid and Balearic Islands), Switzerland and Germany (Berlin, Hamburg, Stuttgart, Hannover, Leipzig).
Ropón has recorded three discographic works: “Mujeres del XXI”, which includes works by contemporary Canarian women composers, “En el tapete del mar”, presented on a concert tour around the Canary Islands, Sweden and Turkey, and “From East to West”, with a repertoire centred on chamber music for two pianos, from the 20th century.
Her research and dissemination work includes the projects: “The role of women in contemporary creation” and “The educational programmes of the Symphony Orchestras”. She has also directed and presented the music dissemination programme “La Música que nos inspira” (The Music that inspires us), on Radio Clásica (Radio Nacional de España).